People feel comfortable

Does the public realm respond to the local micro-climate, mitigate air pollution and limit excessive noise?

Personal comfort is a critical aspect to maximising the potential use of the public realm; therefore, the design of the public realm should enhance the micro-climate and mitigate environmental nuisances such as air and noise pollution. In relation to climate, it is important that high winds, rain, and the over exposure to sun are planned for through spatial planning, the provision of shelter, and the strategic use of plant material. Additionally, air and noise pollution should be mitigated by limiting vehicle speeds, reducing the need to drive, and limiting disruptive deliveries. The result will be a public realm that is more inclusive, more vibrant, and longer lasting.



1. Good Orientation

A foundation for successful social spaces, play areas, squares, and parks is a careful attention to the orientation of the space and the resulting micro-climate. Proposed designs should identify areas of excessive shading and open exposure. This analysis should be use to inform the location selection for key recreational and social spaces.

2. Protect from Wind and Rain

Good orientation should be complemented by a public realm that pacifies strong winds and provides shelter from inclement weather. Designers should identify prevailing winds and clarify their strategy for mitigating the impact of winds. Additionally, cover should be provided along streets and within public open spaces. Cover can include canopies or awnings, bus stop shelters, or other site specific solutions.

3. Utilise Trees and Planting to Support Microclimate

Trees and planting should be designed to enhance the local micro-climate. Trees should be used to provide shade and limit the over exposure to sun in large open spaces. Lower levels of planting can be used to screen against harsh winds. Additionally, planting can help to screen visual nuisances and improve air quality.

4. Mitigate the effects of noise pollution

An over abundance of noise within social spaces, play areas, and streets can result in the under utilisation of the public realm. Noise pollution should be mitigated through the layout of the public realm, the reduction of vehicle speeds, and limiting disruptive deliveries.

5. Promote clean air

Clean air should be promoted through the design of streetscapes and public open spaces that reinforce the modal shift toward sustainable forms of transportation, the promotion of low or zero emission vehicles, and the promotion of a green public realm.

6. Clean and Well Maintained

The public realm should be designed in accordance with a sustainable maintenance strategy that aligns with the requirements of the selected long term management body. Clean and well maintained public spaces are critical for the public realm to stand the test of time and evolve with the neighbourhood.



Is it easy to find shade on hot and sunny days, particularly in places such as public squares, seating areas, and play areas? Has the public realm been designed to limit the exposure to high winds that can make for unpleasant environments?


Is it easy to find shelter in the public realm if it rains? For example, do bus stops have shelters? Is shade and shelter provided in ways that make the street a more attractive place, e.g. through tree planting ?


Has the maintenance strategy been agreed with those responsible for its future maintenance and been proven financially sustainable within the stewardship scheme? Are site furnishings such as litter bins sufficiently provided?


Are social spaces and play areas located in places where people will not have to raise their voices to hold a conversation? Does the design mitigate disturbing environmental factors (e.g. through use of planting areas, level changes, walls, etc.)?


Is the public realm designed to reduce the sources of air pollution by encouraging a modal shift away from motor vehicles? Are there abundant trees in the streets and public spaces to absorb particulates from vehicles ?

Ingress park level 2 str.JPG

Are the materials used to surface the road reasonably smooth to help reduce noise from vehicles on the road?