Street Trees Planting Guide

Understorey Planting Guidance: Streets

The table below provides a general rule of thumb for the use of various understorey planting types within the four levels of streets. The table references the planting types specified within the planting strategy (pages 176-181) and is to be used in conjunction with the typical plan and section drawings provided in chapter 4 for each of the defined street typologies.

It is critical to note that individual streets should not mix and match multiple planting types. The mixing and matching of planting types tends to create additional maintenance requirements and it is strongly preferred that the planting design ensures a consistent street character with large, continuous blocks of one of the preferred planting alternatives.

For all planting schemes it is critical the maintenance requirements for understorey planting are identified and a management plan has been set in place..

Understorey Planting Guidance: Parks and Public Spaces

The table below provides a general rule of thumb for the use of various understorey planting types within neighbourhood parks, public squares, and spaces.

The table references the planting types specified within the planting strategy (pages 176 - 181) and is to be used in conjunction with the typical plan and section drawings provided in chapter 4 for each of the defined street typologies.

The mixing and matching of planting types may be appropriate in green spaces neighbourhood parks and meanwhile spaces to fit the various uses of the design. Public squares are best served by a planting strategy based on mass herbaceous or ground cover planting.

For all planting schemes it is critical the maintenance requirements for understorey planting are identified

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