Spaces for everyone

Has the public realm been designed to be easily accessible and usable by people of all ages and abilities?

Ebbsfleet’s public realm should allow everyone to make local journeys on foot, to easily access all local facilities and public transportation regardless of the age or ability. Accessible, inclusive public realm will support residents in choosing an active lifestyle, whilst also providing enhanced opportunities to meet fellow residents to socialise, exercise, play and create as part of an inclusive community .



1. Universal design & accessibility

Access for all users, regardless of capabilities and age, needs to be carefully designed into all six public realm typologies. The design of the public realm should not rely on statutory minimum requirements to support universal design, but should consider typical user journeys and service journeys for key users, and encourage the safe use of the public realm by children, the elderly, and people with disabilities and visual impairment, as well as any other.

2. Promote inclusiveness & diversity

Streets, public squares, and parks should be designed to promote inclusiveness and be comfortable to use for residents of various ages, ethnicities, and genders. This principle should be carried out through the careful consideration of proposed activities, their appeal to the various user groups, and the social dynamics created by the design.

3. Places to stop & rest

For streets and public spaces open spaces to achieve the desired level of inclusiveness, they should include places to stop and rest. This is particularly important for the inclusion of the ill, the disabled, the injured, the old, and the very young within the public realm.

4. A mix of quiet and active spaces

The public realm’s design should include activity spaces that are complemented by quiet spaces for relaxing. The goal is to promote the use of the public realm by various user groups and create environments that creatively combine activity and places for people watching.

5. Encourage Interaction

Within the design of the public realm, the local community should be engaged and encouraged to animate the public realm. There is no better way to create community then to allow local residents to influence and interact with their local environment.


Are pavements reasonably level, and clear from obstructions to allow free and easy movement for all?


Do the spaces meet the London Legacy Development Corporations Accessibility Guidelines for public realm?


Do level 1 and level 2 streets include places to stop and rest every 200 metres, and every 50m within local centres and parks?

Do level 3 and level 4 streets have a resting place on each street? Are seats designed around the needs of all users? Does an appropriate level of seating have back and arm rests??


Have typical user journeys been tested within the scheme to ensure accessibility for ; people with pushchairs; wheelchair users; the visually impaired, people with dementia?


Do key public spaces (local squares, local parks, major parks) provide accessible public toilets and changing facilities ?


Do key public spaces ( local squares, local parks, major parks) provide water fountains?