Landscape character areas in Ebbsfleet Garden City

4 distinct landscape characters

  1. Chalk quarries

  2. Ebbsfleet Valley

  3. Northfleet Riverside

  4. Swanscombe Marshes


Overview of the landscape character areas:


1. Chalk quarries

Eastern Quarry

Croxton Gary

Craylands Lane

  • Former agricultural land.

  • Quarried for chalk, excavated below surrounding ground levels.

  • Focusing views internally on chalk cliffs and blue lakes.


Ebbsfleet valley

Ebbsfleet Central

Ebbsfleet Green

Northfleet Embankment areas south of chalk spine.

  • Former agricultural land defined by hidden Ebbsfleet River.

  • Areas quarried for chalk, creating cliffs and blue lakes.

  • Land-filling.


Northfleet Riverside

Northfleet Embankment West

Northfleet Embankment East

  • Former agricultural land.

  • Former industrial sites on terraces adjacent to the Thames.

  • Wide open views of the Thames Estuary industrial areas.

  • Backed by chalk cliffs.


Swanscombe Marshes

Swanscombe Peninsula

  • Former agricultural land, used for cement industry.

  • Flat low lying marshes fringed with mudflats and salt marshes.

  • Wide open views of Thames Estuary, sky, industrial development, e.g. Tilbury docks.