Technical Planting Guidance : Tree planting - soft detail

Typical tree planting detail - Semi-mature trees planted in soft landscape.

Typical tree planting detail - Semi-mature trees planted in soft landscape.

Technical planting guidance: tree planting - Hard detail

Technical guidacne 1.JPG

Soft landscape - specification, management & maintenance


A full and detailed specification for all planting will be required at the detail design stage that is appropriately drafted with references to the relevant British Standards and the National Building Specification (NBS). This specification will cover all aspects of the quality of the planting stock, handling, planting and establishment.

Landscape Management

Landscape Management Plans should be produced for each of the development areas setting out the long term objectives for the public realm, identified by typology and location. Plans should include details of the body that will be responsible for long term management of the public realm assets, and will provide guidance for that body to provide continuity in management to deliver the Ebbsfleet Garden City vision. This is particularly key for planting which grows and develops over time, and the management plan should address this dynamic.

Landscape Management

Plans should be produced for each of the development areas setting out the long term objectives for the public realm, identified by typology and location. Plans should include details of the body that will be responsible for long term management of the public realm assets, and will provide guidance for that body to provide continuity in management to deliver the Ebbsfleet Garden City vision. This is particularly key for planting which grows and develops over time, and the management plan should address this dynamic.

Landscape Maintenance

An appropriate soft landscape maintenance regime is required to ensure that the public realm meets the high standards required for Ebbsfleet Garden City. Sustainable soft landscape maintenance should be considered at an early stage in developing the public realm design and coordinate with the hard landscape maintenance recommendations outlined in Chapter 5. Details of soft landscape maintenance should be set out for each public realm typology and location, including schedules of operations and programme. Guidelines for the soft landscape maintenance of Streets Levels 1-4, Parks and Squares are provided in the following pages.

Soft landscape maintenance guidelines